Friday, April 17, 2015

Barter, Carter

Today is a pretty big day for Ca$h Money, as their latest addition to the roster, Young Thugga, drops his debut release "Barter 6" which was originally known as the "Carter 6" but Tunechi wasn't haven't it (I guess). In addition to attempting to take over the 'Carter' throne Young Thug also decided to have the album release in none other than HollyGrove, and has invited Wayne personally via Instagram! I don't know whether to expect Tunechi or not, being he a businessman first and may have pre-scheduled arrangements, but that is a very ballsy move by Thugger Thugger. Now of course YT is backed by Ca$h Money so I expect zero to little violence if any, but this just makes things way more interesting for me. As you should know my theory is that this whole thing is a big hoax, and in the end Ca$h Money is going to re-unite as this 'powerhouse' per say. I still feel this way, but after seeing YT's Instagram and the way he's attacking it seems to be real. Especially since he had said earlier he wouldn't be doing the back & forth thing with someone he once looked up to, but I guess he was like fvkk it....or could it be more parts to this dramatic 'powerhouse' scheme? Unfortunately I won't be able to make the concert in person but that's why we have Twitter and Instagram!

In all seriouness though, I'm kind of eager to hear what YT has to offer; I mean the last time we saw something like this was with Juvenile 400 Degrees, when none other than Tunechi took it and made 500 Degrees. The album was pretty hot, not exactly 400 Degrees, but pretty close, 380 maybe? I know for fact that YT is capable of making good music as the Rich Gang album wasn't half bad. I mean if you're not into that "glitz & glamour" style rap then it's not for you, but the beat selection alone is worth listening to. & even though the actual content is "typical" and nothing out of the norm, YT has seemed to perfected his flow. He knows how to work his angle, and that never hurts. He's no Tunechi, for sure, but he can make good music; and I'll even go a bit further to say, I'm positive he can put out a project better than Weezy's last effort(SFTW4) which was terrible to me. Tunechi says he's releasing a free project called the Free Wayne Album and I hope wholeheartedly that he reminds you there's only 1 Carter.

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