Thursday, May 21, 2015
No Condom!!!: Grocery Raps
No Condom!!!: Grocery Raps: You know they say R&B soothes the soul, and I can’t find too many people that would disagree; there’s nothing like a neo-soul jam t...
Grocery Raps
You know they say R&B soothes the soul, and I can’t find too many people that would disagree; there’s nothing like a neo-soul jam to ease you up a bit. Probably even try and hit a high note or two lol. Now a days though if feels as if the soul has been missing from the music, how many times have you heard people talk about how much they miss the music of times past? I even notice youngsters, younger than me who sought after and coveting 80’s and 90’s gems. No need to reminisce too much more though, hip hop indie Jon Oh! promises to deliver everything you’ve been missing and more.
Taking a cue from Jhene Aiko’s popular ‘grocery’ line on Omarion’s “Suppose To Be”, Jon Oh! expresses his love for the ‘apple’ of his eye.
“Let a n**** eat the booty like groceries”
Typical love song, right? Not exactly; what makes this one particularly special is the way it is put together. First time through, you’re thrown for loop, after loop as the beat switches at intervals from slow two-step to bounce. Sounds a bit hectic but for some reason it all blends perfectly. Has the sweetest, soulful hook that’ll make you just wanna close your eyes and pull her closer.
This will be the second hit off of Jon Oh’s, “Your Favorite Black Guy” album that he has been so silently at work on.
“This one is actually a bonus that was orchestrated in like 20 minutes tops. I just really got to thinking about that one...the only one that make me wanna eat her groceries, lol”
Jon Oh! didn’t wanna give an exact date but promised that the album would be out soon enough. From what I’ve heard so far, I honestly hope so.
Jon Oh! is an indie hip hop artist established in Charleston, South Carolina around the start of 2012. Branding himself as Mr. No Condom, he dedicates his being as a symbol of free-will and reflects this in his music. He encourages others to become more in tune with their inner self through following natural intuition.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
My N.O.M.E. 5 Recap
Battle rap fans....true battle rap fans rejoiced this weekend as N.O.M.E. 5 dropped with weekend with no mishaps, and imo(and probably many others) perhaps the best PPV rap event thus far...clearly no debating. And might I add that it lived up to my expectation totes. My predictions were correct except for one, but it made the event that much better. As it was PPV and of course this is Smmmdddaaaaaackkk! so it'll be like a week or so before any of the battles drops so I'll try to alleviate some of the stress of the wait(hinthint). Here's a recap of the event and what the verdict was of the battle (imo and others). Let's do this.
K-Shine on the other hand came out firing on all cylinders...that old dead kick, Ace yo Hood Body to Body K-Shine."any pickle or beef I've been in I relish it | Tell yo bish I got a round to waste(around waist), whats her measurments?"
Shine clearly took round one and two, and three. Verb didn't have any more quoteables the rest of the battle. He got boo'd pretty bad, as he came with jokes, and K-Shine clearly came to kill him."the objective should've been gun to let them n***** have it, person places things you should've shot every noun when it happen." "Make his head spin off a cap like the old verb....I got some more Verb, cause I'm always good with spare(spear) like Goldberg."
"The Dessi African American I can't get it to work for nothing, but the 40 a Mexican I could it to work for nothing" "leave his chest blew(blue) Tony Starks thru him, hole so big f*** and walk through him"Shine stopped rapping mid third after another fire line and said I don't gotta rap no more....sad Verb Von Doom.
"for NOME 5 you gone get the 8 in ya spine from this fifth in hand, then the AR-15 second clip like Instagram".Serius started out shaky, and warmed up way to late in the round,
"I tell my n***** the code word for DNA is 3:45 put hands on either way."Serius Jones came out way better for the second round.
"what if I gun butt him till the clip fall out then clips falls out, then start the second round going off his head again is that a rebuttal?" "In the beginning you had a couple of W's but after that last DOT you calm(com), what I gotta put it in URL or something"...that was mean. DNA had a good freestyle bar mid-round
"Serius you fvkk'n up a bad rhyme, stop talkin during my round (balls up fist) you know what happened last time".The second was a draw for me, cause they both were on fire. DNA took the Math angle again, and took the DTP angle again, but he did it well, just not much originality. Serius came out firing on all cylinders once again, and even turned used DNA's GTFOH against him to earn a couple points on the battle. Some folk say DNA won, some say Serius, I'm going with Serius cause I feel like he edged the 3rd due to DNA taking overused angles.
"She storms into the kitchen like Charlie you ate my food again...Charlie...Charlie, (ducks, dodges) he in the back going guess which room I'm in"Clips showed up as well tho,
"you ain't beat gray hoodie Lux you beat fake black panther Lux wit n****** in the background gripping a shotti, how you struggle with fake activists but lean is what you sip for a hobby".The battle really boils down to who you think won that round. Its really hard to say though because it was so evenly matched. Hollow took the second by pointing out the fact that he copyrighted the "Sike I Lied" slogan and sold shirts before the event. Clips came back with a "Sike I....oh wait I forgot I don't own it no more" rebuttal that was really good, but wasted most his round rapping to members of NYB and it was pretty lackluster. Third round Clips redeemed himself fully, just with the way he controlled the crowd honestly, whatever he wanted them to react to they did, shiz was crazy. Hollow did good as well but lost the crowd due to rapping longer than he was suppose to, which is another reason I lean towards Clips in the third. I heard a lot of folk say Hollow won, and I heard a lot of folk say Clips won, either way it wasn't a body or a clear win either way. Okay battle all in all.
"bullet hit the glass leave the car spinning no dodging em, head ram on the steering wheel like the dodge emblem." "Any gun that come with a stock we invest in those"It wasn't enough though, Surf went straight to preaching.
"Old Navy guns put a gap(GAP) up in his attic, Kenneth Cole is what Roc'll wear(Rocaware) in his casket", "think he waist deep now till Baby Boy meet Melvin, I pull up like Snoop choppers out like Welvin, Haa Got Eem!"Surf took the first clearly to me by breaking down the relationship between Roc & Smack, all the while still spitting flames. Personally I feel Surf took the following rounds, as Roc got worst as he continued rapping gun-bar after gun-bar, got repetitive especially when you got Surf hitting every angle possible. The third was straight torture for lil Tay Tay.
"pump chopped off shaved a bit sawed Tay, wanna play a game it's cool, Saw Tay, cops found him cookin in his blood sauteed"As a mercy round I'm saying Roc took the second, as that was Surf's lightest round, and Roc was still tolerable.
"I hit this cat in the hat now they gotta doctor Tsu's (Dr. Seuss) cap"Rather it be 2-1 or 3-0 tho, Roc lost, but he did good. There is a battle I'm not gonna mention (Jazz vs Official...Jazz died) but only because there's really no need. If you haven't seen any of these battles, and you'd like to, visit the actual site ( ) or send me a message! Already seen the battles and would like to debate...HMU, I'd be glad to!
Monday, May 11, 2015
No Means Not Right Now
Happy Monday Peeps! Hope everyone had a Happy Mothers Day, and all that jazz. It was some terrible weather where I was so it was meh, but we're here so let's rejoice! Usually the content I give away on Monday is pretty lengthy being that it's the start of the week; you're fresh so you want to soak up as much as possible. Today though, I switched it up a bit, and decided to leave you with an amusing story from a Jerry Weintraub. I won't spoil it for you but it tells of how he made a million dollars in 3 days, by refusing to take no for an answer. That'll be the tone for this week, determination, and understanding that no is usually almost always means not right now. Stay Positive, #Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Your Favorite Black Guy: Freshman Class 2015 Nominee
Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession
Check out the new song from Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession
Exclusive Interview
Tell us about where you are from and how you got to this position today.
I’m from Charleston, SC and I got into music when I was about twelve, or thirteen. My older brother, and cousin was rapping, and that had a heavy influence on me. They studio recordings fascinated me, so I started recording “tapes” at home passing them out around the “hood”. I hooked up with a relative (cousin) around my age when I turned about sixteen; we got serious, and started a studio in his room. Ever since then we been upgrading (equipment) and grinding. Doing whatever it takes be successful and gain notoriety in the business.
What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see?
Right now I’m working on this “No Condom” album/movement. You can expect exactly what it depicts, me going in, straight raw. Giving you everything I got, pure, unadulterated, sickness. The album is pretty well rounded, with a little bit of everything from several different aspects of life.
Tell us about one of the hardest challenges you had to face in the industry?
Miss-education. Not having the business sense I should’ve had, taking big wrong steps, and overlooking the small ones I could’ve took. Lost a lot of time through that “trial and error” system.
What was one of the biggest set backs in your career and how did you bounce back?
Several years ago I lost like three albums worth of music; vocal tracks, beats, everything. I was devastated. Had to switch directions with my music, and speed up my career. What I had recorded previously would be outdated by the time I could re-record it all anyway, so I hit the studio extra hard, scrambling to come up with new material and make up for lots of lost time. Basically it was like cramming three years into one. I appreciate it now though, strengthened my work ethics/regiment.
What are some things artists need to be careful of?
Advice. Everyone will offer you advice, insisting that its “good” but always consider what position they’re in, and what pretense they’re talking. What “was” good for them then may not be good for you now. There’s lots of good advice out there as well as bad, so just do your research.
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
Handle yourself/career like a business. Work for yourself like you work your “9-5” or for that big time corporation you work for. Believe in yourself like whatever deity you believe in. Hard work and faith will take you places.
What are the best ways to sell your products as an artist?
The internet is everything, I shop there. Out the trunk, and retail is good, but online you reach a larger audience faster.
What is one of your favorite ways to promote yourself and your music?
Once again, the internet wins. It’ll help you gain notoriety quickly, which will bring shows and other promo opportunities. It’s the perfect starting point.
Where can people visit you?
They can visit my fan page on Facebook: Jon-oh?!
follow me on twitter @jon0h
or check my youtube page: jon0hbr0ugham
Jon-Oh?! – #NoCondom
jon-ohonOctober 4, 2011 4:27 pm
WWS Magazine Feature, Its kind of like a big deal…..Support is appreciated always, but right now would mean so…
Jon-Oh Taylor ThomasonOctober 5, 2011 2:13 pm
Check out my exclusive interview with WWS Mag: Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession | WWS Magazine: via @AddThisjon-ohonOctober 13, 2011 4:54 pm
NO CONDOM?! ITS CUM'N I HOPE YOU LIKE IT MESSY!!! Taylor ThomasonOctober 13, 2011 4:55 pm
Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession | WWS Magazine: via @AddThis NO CONDOM?! ITS CUM'N I HOPE YOU LIKE IT MESSY!!!Jon-oh on October 31, 2011 7:21 pm
WWS MAG Interview Check it Out on January 27, 2012 6:31 am
Indie Focus on January 27, 2012 6:31 am
Indie Focus Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession | WWS Magazine: via @AddThisJon-Oh on February 2, 2012 6:33 pm
Want to know more about "No Condom"? follow link!! Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession | WWS Magazine: via @AddThisJon-Oh on February 2, 2012 6:49 pm
"I'm "focused" thinking like I got 2 brains"-Check out one of the 1st interviews I ever did-Indie Focus Feature on February 15, 2012 10:35 pm
Indie Focus Feature Jon-Oh?! – Self-Obsession | WWS Magazine: via @AddThisJon-Oh on February 15, 2012 10:36 pm
Indie Focus Feature
Rising Star: Jon-Oh?!
Name of Artist/Band and where are you from?
Jon-Oh?! /Charleston, SC/ the Vocal Box
How did you break into the music industry?
Man, it's a constant grind, like a nine to five, or anything work related. Two major factors were/is market and promotion. Developed a plan, and stuck to it.
Choose one adjective to describe your music style?
Do you write your own songs? If so, what are your songs about and where do you draw your inspiration?
Yeah, I write all of my material. My music covers (my) everyday life, and the different aspects of it. The different moods I go through, that's where I draw my inspirations from. However I'm feeling, random thoughts, or whatever.
What project are you currently promoting and is it available for purchase?
Right now I'm working on my "No Condom?!" album and its "Cum'm Soon!"
What is your message behind the "no condom" movement?
When you think "no condom" you think raw, nasty, and that's exactly how I'm cum'n! I ain't holding nothing back, I'm exposing you to every bit of sickness I got.
Are you looking for an independent label deal or a major label deal?
That depends on which is more beneficiary. I probably would lean towards an independent deal because it's probably more "creative freedom" hence "No Condom?!"
How would you define the word "success"?
Given the definition, I'd define it as achieving one's goals.
What is your biggest career embarrassment?
So far I haven't had any big embarrassments so let's hope it stays that way.
Most memorable moment in creating one of your records?
Most memorable moment had to be when I did ecstasy for the first time and was recording a track with my cousin. I felt everything I said was golden, so much creative juices! The next day or two when I heard the song I was like, "Let me do some revisions." (lol!) No I don't do ex anymore.
Who has been the most influential person in your music career?
My brother had to be my biggest influence by far. He sort of has been fine tuning my ear for good beats, and music, for years now (laughs).
Who is your celeb look-alike?
I don't think I have a celeb look-a-like. I get mistaken for a model, a lot though.
What was your first job?
My first job was at a local grocery store. I was the "bagboy".
What is your worst Fear?
My biggest fear is missing my "time", and being stuck with the regrets of what could've been.
What is your guilty pleasure?
What artists would you love to work with?
Kid Cudi, Devin the Dude, Tyler the Creator, to name a few.
Any advice or lessons learned in the music industry that you would like to share with other indie artists?
Be careful of the advice you take, there's good, and bad so just do your research, and use your best judgment.
What is the number one thing you hope people get out of your music?
Hope, anything is possible. I been there, nothing is impossible because "I'm Possible." You can do anything you want to.
Where can people get in touch with you?
Reach me on:
or email me
MadeLoud: Biography
Official Interview Here
What made you want to start making music?
I saw my older siblings doing it as a youngin' (7) and it fascinated me honestly. The whole process of making music from brainstorming the songs, picking the beats, to completing the song in the studio, magical stuff lol
Tell us what your music is about? How has your subject matter evolved?
My music is about taking lifes lessons and using them to your advantage, my mission is to help any/everyone reach their full potentiol. My music evolves as my life does. When I 1st started doing music, it was about the "criminal" lifestyle and why their was no need to change. Now its about why one should change and strive for better, and they don't have to be a criminal, simply someone who want to elevate themselves in life.
What artist(s) would you like to collaborate with? And why?
Kid Cudi, because of his "individuality". I feel we'd do some killer ish together. Erykah Badu becuase...c'mon thats Erykah, soul goddess. Devin the Dude, I loved his music since a youngster, and I get placed in the same category/genre as him alot, so it'd be cool to hear the crazy ish we come up with
What has been your biggest challenge as an artist/band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?
My biggest challenge thus far has been getting my music to be heard around the globe, without the help of a "Superstar" Prutomo Team, or Multi-Million Dollar machine behind me. I've overcome it via discipline & hard work..night and day. Had to make sacrifices, time, money, even personal relationships at times
What do you hope to accomplish with your music? How do you envision that happening?
I hope to be the biggest musical icon since Michael Jackson! I see it happening thru this grind I'm on, by spreading my music throughout the world I'm giving everyone a chance to listen
Band Members:
Member Name | Instruments |
Member Name | Instruments | |
1 | Jon-Oh?! | Vocal Box |
Music Label: D.S.E.
Musical Influences:
My, Brother(Rick Flare),Cousin(Mook),Eazy-E,MC Eiht,Z-Ro
Started Playing: December, 1985
Track Title | Length | Content | Price | Actions | Licensing | |
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Bet ErThanG | 3:15 | Explicit | $0.99 | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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BIG Azz DANCE PARTY!!! | 4:29 | Explicit | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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Closing Arguments | 4:38 | Explicit | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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Dance Party!!! | 3:24 | Clean | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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EXiT | 3:04 | Explicit | $0.99 | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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Jon Oh-Ahkbar | 2:43 | Explicit | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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Kush & Acid Hits | 2:00 | Explicit | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week | |
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Self-Obsession(Radio Mix | 2:43 | Clean | Free | EditSong of the DaySong of the Week |
Hip-Hop newcomer Jon-Oh! has already scored over 26,000 views, 25.000 streams, and more than 10,000 downloads in a short period of time, “Pre-… More
Hip-Hop newcomer Jon-Oh! has already scored over 26,000 views, 25.000 streams, and more than 10,000 downloads in a short period of time, “Pre-Ejaculation” is one of the most popular mixtape recently released via the #1 online mixtape platform from an up-n-coming MC.
Home > Next 2 Blow > Jon-Oh - Mental Stimulation
Jon-Oh - Mental StimulationPosted: Tuesday - January 24, 2012 | Comments: (0) |
As his music grows virally, more and more people want to know about Jon-Oh, Charleston and what exactly is the No Condom movement. Well, Yo! Raps has all the answers you need and you don't need a plane, train or bus ticket to feel it.
First off, please introduce yourself to the audience.
They call me Jon-Oh?! aka Mr. No Condom.
How did you get your rap moniker Jon-Oh?
Well, it derived from my government name, Jonathan. My uncles and older cousins would always tease my mother by asking her, “Why’d you give that boy that long name?” They shortened it up by calling me “Jon-Oh”. My homeboys got hip to it and “took it to the streets” per say and it stuck. I figured since that’s what everybody knows me as anyway I might as well roll with it.
Which city do you rep and how is the Hip-Hop scene there?
Charleston, SC, and it’s getting better all the time. Although there is a very active Hip-Hop scene, the city as a whole is still “local”. We need to make a few more strides in music so that we could be as active as a city like that of “Atlanta”, or “Houston”. That’s my perspective at least.
Who are your musical influences when it comes to Hip-Hop and why?
Man, there’s so many of them that I’d have to answer like this. Just about anyone who makes music from their heart/soul without being dictated or altered, while purveying a message has an influence on me and/or my music. See that’s what my No Condom movement is about, doing your thing without being restricted, so big shout out to all songwriters, who don’t follow the rules or protocol.
What would you say has been the biggest accomplishment in your career so far?
My biggest accomplishment so far has got to be getting to work with you guys at Yo! Raps. It not only lets me know that I’m on the right path, but advancing as well.
Any current project(s) you are working on?
Well, I’m putting the final touches on my No Condom album, which is also a movement. It should be out in 2012.
You performed with stars like Waka Flocka, Travis Porter, and Lil Boosie. How does a Jon-Oh performance look like?
Live, wild, fun, and energetic. When you go out, nine times out of ten, your doing so to have fun, so I do my best to make your dreams come true.
Any big plans for 2012?
Yeah, given everything goes according to schedule, like I said before my No Condom album is set to drop. I should also have a few videos aired on German music network channel iMusic1, which is pretty big for me.
Anything else that you want to talk about?
Yeah, I just want everyone to stay tuned in, watch for my No Condom movement, and see how I’m penetrating the game. I got a three part mini-series (Adventure Time wif Mr. No Condom) that’s active right now. You can catch the first two parts on YouTube.
In the end, let the people know where they can find you online?
Follow me on Twitter @jon0h,
Catch my videos @
Also like my fanpage on Facebook: /jon0h
Jon-Oh! Causing Major Noise With Debut Mixtape “Pre-Ejaculation”...MUSIC AND DETAILS
(CelebNMusic247) Jon-Oh! Causing Major Noise With Debut Mixtape “Pre-Ejaculation” Hip-Hop newcomer Jon-Oh! has already scored over 26,000 views, 25.000 streams, and more than 10,000 downloads in a short period of time, “Pre-Ejaculation” is one of the most popular mixtape recently released via the #1 online mixtape platform from an up-n-coming MC.
The proud Charleston, SC native said:
“To see this many people digging my mixtape is a bit intoxicating honestly, but it also gives me the urge to put out more quality music for my fans and Hip-Hop lovers.” Jon-Oh! aka Mr. No Condom, has been developing a strong and dedicated fan base via various online songs and videos for a short time now and it is surely only a matter of time before more people know of the name! Jon- Oh!, the son of a hustler, got an early taste for the good life and admits his exposure to such a lifestyle heavily influenced his work-rate today. Inspired by the head-nodding Hip-Hop beats of the 90′s, Jon-oh! began to experiment with his craft writing lyrics at the tender age of ten. With a style of his own that is rare to find, Jon-Oh! takes every element of emceeing from backpack cyphering to storytelling and weaves them as one harmonious, yet sporadic flow. Creator of the “No Condom” concept and movement, this Charleston native infected the urban genre with his unique and fresh sound on his blazing debut mixtape, “Pre-Ejaculation”. Checkout his new mixtape and download it HERE Download Mixtape | Free Mixtapes Powered by Jon-Oh! is a heavily covered artist in the press with major features in prestigious and popular publications such as Hip Hop Weekly, TRUE Magazine, HYPE Magazine, and Yo! Raps Magazine.
Download Mixtape | Free Mixtapes Powered by SOURCE::CELEBNMUSIC247.COM
Jon-Oh?! Music & Videos
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